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The Duck's Diarrhea

my personal blog

cause it would be too mainstream to name it "The Duke Diary"

Dear Recruiters

------- ##### *bản dịch tiếng Việt - Vietnamese version*: ***[link](*** ------- ##### ***Dear,*** It would be a lie to say that this blog was created mainly for fun or sharing stuffs with my friends. **This is for you guys, from the very beginning.** I really hope that you got here from my ***[LinkedIn profile](***. If not, you can always go there to check my detail profile, CV, transcript .. I'm a master student majoring in Robotic Systems Engineering, at RWTH Aachen University. For the last semester of my study ***(April - July 2021)***, I will have to conduct **a compulsory internship** and write my **final thesis**. Thus, ideally, I am looking for **robotic project** in which I can work as intern and write my thesis at the same time. In addition, I wish to gain more experience working in the field of robotics after my graduation as well. **If you wish to know why have I chosen this fields, my background and motivation for me to decide taking on this path, please go to *[this sharing](*.** Don't you know, my personality type is INFJ, I'm not a shy one, but still quite private, not the kind of person who extremely enjoys making brand new connections with others, getting attention or fame. However, for you being here, reading this, I appreciate your time and effort getting to know me, and in return, I am, too, willing to open up myself, things that I would normally don't feel comfortable or needed to share with others. For me.. to do this, I hope you could see my **determination**.. and also a bit of desperation to find an internship, and later on, an open job position. This blog is created with a wish for you guys to know me more in person, not just my CV and transcript. I hope you have a great time here. If you have more time, or perhaps out of curiosity, feel free to check other posts, hope you enjoy them. Feel free to subscribe, share with your colleagues if you like them!! Thank you for your time, for reading this. Feel free to reach out for me if needed!! Wish you a great day!! ##### ***Best regards,*** ##### *Huu Duc Nguyen*